Wednesday 26 September 2007

So why fuzzy edges?

Well partly because Mary suggested it and she is much cleverer then I being “proper” Oxbridge rather then my pale Anglia Ruskin imitation but mainly because I think its a good expression of me and my thinking.

I am passionate about creating fuzzy edges in the church, blurring the boundaries between the church and the world to such an extent that it’s not possible to say where one starts and the other stops, indeed it could be argued that neither should stop but that they should continually flow back and forth into each other, enriching both.

Latterly I have also been feeling that I have had my own personal fuzzy edges as gradually I disentangled myself from every bit of the life I knew to start again at theological college. Doing this has made me realise how much I defined myself by what I did rather then what I was. I was a librarian, Reader, brownie leader, daughter, sister, friend… I knew how to be these things, knew what kind of person I was doing them. Now, sitting here, surrounded by boxes and strangers I realise I have no idea who I am anymore, and that’s pretty surreal….
…but I also know that finding out is part of what the next two years of training are for. Lets hope I do.


Unknown said...

Hi Jane

Delighted you're blogging at last - I'm really looking forward to hearing about your adventures :)

Jackie x

PS Any chance you could enable comments for "other" as well as just blogger/google commenters? I don't really want to out my google address but it's the only way to comment here at the moment (I've tried getting a blogger account but it won't let me - don't think it likes the look of me much).

PPS Thanks for the link to my witterings.

Unknown said...

Oh how odd, I didn't know it would use my real name. Oh well, that's ok then :)

Jane said...

Thanks Jackie,

I have now investigated the settings and all should be able to post - apologies for not doing that before. I was so keen to get going I failed totaly to read the instructions !

Anonymous said...

Felt I was stripping away the outer layers of myself when I left work to stay at home with the children, and wondering what/who I'd be left with... Look forward to reading more... must get some pictures on my blog soon!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from another vicar factory somewhat to the South West of yours. JtL mentioned you so I thought I would pop over and say all the best with blogging and college and placements and... all the rest.
I'm one year in and loving it. Hope you love it too!

Mary said...

I suspect that part of the process is not being that concerned with who you are anymore but knowing whose you are... Somehow I seem to have had ego surgery as part of the ordination service in June. "I" doesn't seem to matter much any more. All very odd...
Enjoy Ridley and F Staircase.
Mary (another one)

Mary said...

Opps! - that should be 'enjoy Ridley and C (or possibly B) Staircase'. C is the best though, not that I am biassed...