Thursday, 7 January 2010

10 things I have learnt in my first six months of being a curate…

1) When the bride and groom arrive so late for their wedding that there is only 25 minutes until the next church booking is right about the time when you learn which bits of the marriage service are optional.

2) Dave Walker cartoons are soooooo true.

3) Wearing a clerical collar around the parish leads to some startling encounters including the inebriated gentleman who when encountering me in the street looked me up and down with a shocked expression on his face and exclaimed “you’re a f*****g lady vicar you are, aren’t you?”

4) No matter how much previous experience you have had the first time you preach in front of your new congregation is very scary (as is the second and third…)

5) Hawaiian pizzas are not a good idea for a youth club pizza party – no one eats them

6) Deptford rocks!

7) Putting your feet up on a Sunday night after church is so sweet when Monday is your day off.

8) No one asks you the questions you have been taught answers to like “what are the eschatological implications of a Christian view of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” but instead ask really complicated things that you don’t have a clue about like “Do you know how to deflate a bouncy castle?”

9) It’s amazing how much people are capable of if they are supported and encouraged well.

10) To be able to minister full time is an immense privilege, and in those rare moments when you forget that, God always sends someone along to remind you.

1 comment:

Nicky Abram said...

Hey, v.g. sense of humour! God bless